Marcus L Davis, Bishop/Founder of InHim FOCUS Ministries/Developing Pastors & Leadership

A Servant Of the Most High God

Blessings friends my name is Marcus, the Bishop here at InHim FOCUS Ministries, which is the Unconventional Church. Where the untaught, the unchurchedthe unsaved and the stones the builders rejected are welcomed here. We are about at least 3 THINGS: RESTORING peopleEQUIPPING people and RELEASING peopleI. In all, we focus on people knowing and establishing a relationship with Jesus! Now for me; God has been carrying me since 1985, were I surrendered to Jesus. Not from the standpoint I was a perfect man, but God shared His love for me while I was still a sinner. It is through many failures in my life. I have learned to not count people out, but to allow God’s compassion to love on people and for God to be glorified. So, my earnest pursuit is to be a fisher of mankind and to point everyone towards a Forgiving, Saving and Gracious Father. I’m just a Man of God learning daily of how God is better than advertised and how God is a present help in times of trouble.