Womens Fellowship

You are valued

You are the Foundation

In the tapestry of God’s creation, women hold a special place of honor and significance. At InHim Focus, we celebrate the truth that women are valued and are the foundation upon which God’s kingdom is built. Our ‘Women’s Fellowship’ is a gathering of sisters in Christ, rooted in the belief that women are equal in essence, dignity, worth, and importance before our Heavenly Father.

Genesis 1:26-27 reminds us that both men and women are created in the image of God, reflecting His divine qualities. We cherish the equality of all believers in Christ, as Galatians 3:28 underscores the fact that both genders share in Christ’s redemptive work, salvation, and the abundant inheritance of His kingdom.

In ‘Women’s Fellowship,’ we create a nurturing environment where women can explore their unique roles, gifts, and calling in God’s grand design. We recognize that every woman has a distinct purpose and contribution to make in the Kingdom of God.

We Serve Together

Our fellowship gatherings are more than just events; they are moments of empowerment, spiritual growth, and sisterhood. We delve into the Word of God, engage in meaningful discussions, and share life experiences that strengthen our faith and bond with one another.

We believe that women are the foundation of strong families, churches, and communities. Our desire is to equip, inspire, and encourage women to live out their faith, find their voice, and become beacons of light and love in a world that needs the message of Christ.

Remember, you are valued, and your role in God’s Kingdom is vital. In ‘Women’s Fellowship,’ we encourage you to walk in the fullness of your calling as co-heirs of God’s abundant grace and promise.

Join us in 'Women's Fellowship,' where you will discover your worth, embrace your foundation in Christ, and find a community of sisters who celebrate your unique identity. Together, we will journey in faith, unity, and love, making a lasting impact for God's glory.